what is an introduction to the cognitive section of psychological therapies?
principle part of psychological approach's explanation for SZ is unhealthy cognitiveprocesses that can occur in SZ sufferers
if this is correct, then psychological therapies should revolve around correcting that
what is an introduction to the family section of psychological therapies?
principle part of psychological approach's explanation for SZ is confusing and dysfunctionalcommunication within families of a schizophrenic
if this is correct, psychological therapies should revolve around correcting this
what is CBTp?
therapy that aims to help the patient identify, then challenger or modify the delusions and maladaptive thinking, especially through the use of evidence, especially reality testing, to replace them with constructive thinking that will lead to healthy behaviour
what does CBTp involve?
during regular sessions, patient is encouraged to trace back to origins of symptoms in order to gaininsight into the way in which they may have developed
promotes increase in social activity and the use of relaxation techniques
range of psychologicalexplanations offered, which may help to reduce the stress/anxiety that goes along SZ
therapist will make maladaptive thoughts conscious - psychosis
can'tprevent hallucinations/delusions but can help cope with them
what are some key components of CBTp?
delusion investigation - reality testing
relapse prevention strategies
socratic questioning
what is delusion investigation - reality testing?
for those who experience delusions, these can be tested and challenged in a controlled environment so that the SZ may see them as the falsebeliefs they are
what is relapse prevention strategies?
schizophrenic can recognise and anticipate the signs/symptoms of relapse ('triggers')
therapist and patient create a checklist of warning signs that might signal a relapse of the illness, and situations/triggers that might make relapse more likely
helps develop a plan, which can be used by the socialnetwork and family of schizophrenic
what is socratic questioning?
curiosity-drivenquestioning asked by therapist during therapy sessions to help schizophrenic identify the errors in their thinking, including challenging the patient to find evidence that supports their delusions
lack of evidence should start to undermine the patients belief in their delusions
what is family therapy?
therapist works with family and patient to develop strategies to cope better with SZ and its symptoms
this will hopefully lead to more supportive/warmer atmosphere (reduced relapse-instigated EE) helping patient make better progress and make relatives feel more positive about their supporting role
what does family therapy involve?
takes place in peoples home
family taught about psychosis, SZ as a diagnosis and how EE can trigger relapse
what does the therapist encourage families to do?
ask questions for proper understanding
patient to discuss symptoms as they are experts of them
learn more constructive ways of communicating (avoiding EE)
concentrate on good rather than negative events
need to find a way to cope with feelings of anger without resorting to EE behaviour
learn to recognise early signs of relapse so can respond rapidly to reduce severity of it
what did Pharoah 2010 do?
meta-analysis of studies to investigate the effectiveness of family intervention
outcomes compared to 'standard care' alone
identified a range of strategies by which family therapists aim to improve functioning with a member suffering from SZ
e.g. forming therapeutic alliance with all family members and reduction of anger and guilt in family members
suggested these work by reducing levels of stress/EE, whilst increasing patients complying to medication
reduce likelihood of relapse and re-admission to hospital