Nitrate from fertiliser applied to crops may enter ponds and lakes. Explain how nitrate may cause the death of fish in fresh water (5)
growth of algae / algal bloom blocks light
reduced /no photosynthesis so plants die
saprobiotic (microorganisms / bacteria)
aerobically respire/use oxygen in respiration
less oxygen for fish to respire /aerobic organisms die
Explain how the NPP in the leaves of trees is made available to other plants in a rainforest ecosystem. (2)
break down dead material to release ammonia/ammonium ions
Nitrogen and phosphorus are two elements that need to be recycled within ecosystems. Name two biological molecules containing nitrogen and two biological compounds containing phosphorus. (2)
Nitrogen – ATP, DNA, amino acids, proteins
Phosphorus – DNA,ATP,Phospholipids
Suggest why natural fertilisers release their nutrients over a longer time period than artificial fertilisers. (2)
Natural fertilisers need to be brokendown as they contain lots of organic matter
Artificial fertilisers contain minerals in a useable form
What is the difference between nitrification and nitrogen fixation? (1)
Nitrification is the conversion of ammonium ions into nitrites and then nitrates
Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of nitrogen to ammonia/ammoniumions
Explain how the nitrogen contained in dead animals and plants is returned to atmospheric nitrogen. (5)
Break down proteins in dead material to release ammoniumions
Ammonium ions converted to nitrites and nitrates
By nitrifyingbacteria / Nitrification
Nitrates converted to nitrogen
By denitrifyingbacteria
Describe the role of saprobionts in the nitrogen cycle (2)
use enzymes to decompose proteins / DNA / RNA / urea
releasing ammonium ions
Eutrophication can cause water to become cloudy.
You are given samples of water from three different rivers.
Describe how you would obtain a quantitative measurement of their cloudiness. (3)
Use of colorimeter
Measure absorbance / transmission of light
Standardise method by zeroing the colorimeter
Freshwater marsh soils are normally waterlogged. This creates anaerobic conditions.
Use your knowledge of the nitrogen cycle to suggest why these soils contain relatively in nitrate irations of ammonium compounds and low concentrations of nitrite ions (2)
Less nitrification
Less oxidation of ammoniumions to nitriteions and to nitrateions