When a wave of electrical activity reaches the AVN, there is a short delay before a new wave leaves the AVN. Explain the importance of this short delay (2)
to allow atria to empty
before ventricles contract
When the heart beats, both ventricles contract at the same time. Explain how this is coordinated in the heart after the initiation of the heartbeat by the SAN (2)
Electrical activity only through Bundle of His / AVN
Wave of electricalactivity passes over / through both ventricles at the same time
Describe how a heartbeat is initiated and coordinated (5)
SAN sends wave of electrical activity / impulses (across atria) causing atrial contraction
Non-conducting tissue prevents immediate contraction of ventricles / prevents impulses reaching the ventricles
AVNdelays impulse whilst blood leaves atria / ventricles fill
AVN sends wave of electricalactivity / impulses down the Bundle of His
Causing ventricles to contract from base up;
The heart controls and coordinates the regular contraction of the atria and ventricles. Describe how. (5)
SAN → AVN → bundle of His / Purkyne fibres
Impulses / electrical activity (over atria)
Non-conducting tissue (between atria and ventricles)
Delay (at AVN) ensures atria empty / ventricles fill before ventricles contract
Ventricles contract from the apex upwards
Increased intensity of exercise leads to an increased heart rate. Explain how (3)
Carbon dioxide detected by chemoreceptors / pressure detected by baroreceptors
Medulla / cardiac centre involved
More impulses to SAN / along sympathetic nerve
The cardiac cycle is controlled by the sinoatrial node (SAN) and the atrioventricular node (AVN). Describe how. (5)
SAN initiates heartbeat / acts as a pacemaker / myogenic
SAN sends wave of electrical activity / impulses (across atria) causing atrialcontraction
AVN delays (electrical activity / impulses)
Allowing atria to empty before ventricles contract / ventricles to fill before the contract
AVN sends wave of electrical activity / impulses down Bundle of His / Purkyne fibres
Causing ventricles to contract (from base up) / ventricular systole
The sinoatrial node (SAN) is in the right atrium of the heart. Describe the role of the sinoatrial node. (2)
Send out electrical activity / impulses
Initiates the heartbeat / acts as a pacemaker / (stimulates) contraction of atria
Explain how nervous control in a human can cause increased cardiac output during exercise. (4)
Coordination via medulla (of brain) / cardiaccentre
Increased impulses along sympathetic / cardiac accelerator nerve
To SAN / pacemaker
More impulses sent from SAN / pacemaker
Explain why increased cardiac output is an advantage during exercise (3)
in exercise - more energy release for aerobic respiration