She was born 5 years before prophethood and was married to Khunis bin Huzaifa who was martyred in the Battle of Badr. The prophet married her to consolidate his relationship with Umar.
Hafsah was the custodian of the Qur'an which was compiled in the reign of Abu Bakr. At the time of Usman she was asked to give the Qur'an so that more copies could be made.
Hafsah narrated 60 traditions .
Hafsah and Aisha were friends.
Hafsah spent her time in prayers and fasting.
Hafsah died at the age of 63 in 45 AH and was buried in Jannat ul Baqee.
At her deathbed, Hafsah advised Abdullah bin Omar to distribute her property to poor and the destitute.