Cards (4)

  • Give two reasons why pancreas transplants are not used for the treatment of type II diabetes (2)
    • type II produce insulin
    • cells / receptors are less sensitive / responsive to insulin
    • treated by diet / exercise
  • Describe the role of the hormone glucagon in the control of blood sugar concentration. (5)
    • Binds to (specific) receptor
    • On muscle / liver cell
    • Activation of enzymes (in liver)
    • Hydrolysis of glycogen
    • (Facilitated) diffusion of glucose out of (liver cells) cells
    • Increases blood glucose levels;
  • Describe how insulin reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood. (4)
    • insulin binds to specific receptors (on membranes)
    • insulin activates carrier proteins / opens channels / causes more channels to form
    • insulin increases the permeability of liver / muscle cells / tissues to glucose
    • insulin action results in glucose conversion to glycogen / glycogenesis
  • Binding of insulin leads to an increase in the rate of respiration in cells. Explain why (2).
    • insulin leads to more transport proteins for glucose
    • more glucose enters cell