Juwayriyyah Binte Harith

Cards (6)

  • Juwayriyyahs real name was Barra.
  • Juwayriyyah was the daughter of Harith who was the chief of the Jewish tribe of Banu Mustaliq.
  • Juwayriyyah was married to Musafi, son of Safwan who was killed in a battle. After the battle with Banu Mustaliq in 4 AH, Juwayriyyah was a prisoner of war who were divided among the warriors. Juwayriyyah was given to Tabitha ibn Quays and she made an agreement with him to buy her freedom. Then she went to the prophet to an asked for his help, so he proposed marriage.
  • Her marriage was a great blessing to her tribe as when they learned about her marriage to the prophet, they emanticipted all her tribesmen.
  • After her marriage her name was changed to Juwayriyyah.
  • Juwayriyyah died at the age of 65 in 50 AH and was buried in Jannat ul Baqee.