Criminal Physical Anthropology- study of relationship betweencriminalityand physical constitution of men.
Criminal Ecology- study ofrelationship between environment andcriminality
Fear of crime - refers to the fearof being a victim of crime asopposed to the actualprobability of being a victim ofcrime
Crime rate - is a measure of therate of occurrence of crimescommitted in a given area andtime
Crime science - is the study ofcrime in order to find ways toprevent it.
Sociology of law - refers to both a sub-discipline of sociology and an approachwithin the field of legal studies.
Physiognomy– Is the assessment of a personscharacter or personality from theirouter appearance especially theface or countenance. It wasintroduced by Swiss PastorJohann Kaspar Lavater
Phrenology– The study of the shape andprotuberance of the skull based onthe now discredited belief that theyreveal character and mentalcapacity. Introduced by GermanPhysician Franz Joseph Gall
Logomacy – A statement that wewould have no crime if we had nocriminal law, and that we couldeliminate all crime merely byabolishing all criminal laws.
Biometry – Measuring or calculatingof the probable duration of humanlife.
Autophobia – It is a morbid fear ofone’s self, or of being alone.
Anthropology – It is the sciencedevoted to the study of mankindand its development in relation to itsphysical, mental and cultural history.
Anthropometry – An identificationsystem based on physicalmeasurement. Introduced byAlphonse Bertillon (French)
Necrophilism – Morbid craving,usually of an erotic nature for deadbodies
Melancholia – A mental disordercharacterized by excessive broodingand depression of spirits. (Delusionsand Hallucinations)
Megalomania – A mental disorder inwhich the subject thinks himself greator exalted
Kleptomania – An uncontrollablemorbid propensity to steal.
Erotomania – A morbid propensity tolove or make love; uncontrollablesexual desire, or excessive sexualcraving by members of either sex.Kleptomania – An uncontrollablemorbid propensity to steal.
Psychosis -it is a severe type of mental illnesswhich incapacitates the individualtotally.✓contact with reality is totally lost. Thiscondition is synonymous with insanity
a mild type of mental illness whichlower the individual’s efficiency.✓contact with reality is intact whichmeans that he could still distinguishfacts from reality Neurosis