Organisms n environment and variation

Cards (64)

  • What is the definition of a species?
    A group of organisms that can interbreed
  • What is the first part of a binomial name?
  • What is the second part of a binomial name?
  • What is the binomial name for polar bears?
    Ursus maritimus
  • What is the definition of a population?
    A group of organisms of one species
  • What is a community in ecological terms?
    All populations of different species in an ecosystem
  • What is an ecosystem?
    A unit containing organisms and their environment
  • What is a habitat?
    The place where an organism lives
  • What is a niche?
    The role of an organism in an ecosystem
  • What does a niche include?
    • Its habitat
    • Adaptations to the environment
    • Interactions with other organisms
    • Interactions with the physical environment
    • Features of its life cycle
  • Why is no ecosystem entirely self-contained?
    Organisms from one ecosystem interact with others
  • How does a habitat differ from an ecosystem?
    • Habitat: Place where an organism lives
    • Ecosystem: Interacting community of organisms and environment
  • What is biodiversity?
    The range and variety of different species
  • What factors does biodiversity consider?
    • Species richness
    • Variation within each species
    • Species distribution
    • Population size
  • Why is biodiversity important?
    It ensures stability of ecosystems
  • What do different species depend on each other for?
    • Food
    • Shelter
    • Maintenance of the physical environment
  • What happens if births exceed deaths in a population?
    The population will increase
  • What happens if deaths exceed births in a population?
    The population will decrease
  • What factors might affect a population of plants?
    • Competition
    • Light
    • Water
    • Soil nutrients
    • Space
    • Disease
    • Herbivore numbers
  • What are abiotic factors?
    Non-living factors within an environment
  • What are biotic factors?
    Living factors in the environment
  • How do births and deaths affect population size?
    Births increase, deaths decrease population size
  • What abiotic factors can affect a population?
    Light intensity, temperature, soil pH
  • What biotic factors can affect a population?
    Predator numbers, competition, availability of food
  • What is variation in biology?
    Differences between individuals of the same species
  • What are the two types of variation?
    • Continuous Variation
    • Discontinuous Variation
  • What does continuous variation result in?
    A range of phenotypes between two extremes
  • What type of distribution does continuous variation usually give?
    A normal distribution curve
  • How does discontinuous variation differ from continuous variation?
    It results in a limited number of phenotypes
  • What is genetic variation controlled by?
  • What causes variation in organisms?
    Genes and the environment
  • What is environmental variation?
    The influence of the environment on phenotype
  • How does continuous variation like human height occur?
    It is influenced by both genes and the environment
  • How does discontinuous variation like blood groups occur?
    It is usually only influenced by genes
  • What are the three causes of genetic variation?
    Random fertilisation, meiosis, mutation
  • What happens during random fertilisation?
    Any two gametes can fuse together
  • What is meiosis?
    A type of cell division that produces gametes
  • What do gametes produced by meiosis have?
    Genetic differences
  • What is a mutation?
    A change in a gene that can be inherited
  • What can mutations form?
    New alleles