usually start as episodic memories but progressively lose their association with particular events and only the knowledge remains
not 'time-stamped', more than just facts
what is episodic memory?
memories of personal events
type of explicit memory
includes details of an event, the context in which event took place and emotions associated with the event
are 'time-stamped' - have a good idea of when they were, and you should be able to order them
will make a conscious effort to recall them
what is procedural memory?
memories of how to do things
require a lot of repetition and practice
type of implicit memory - we find them very difficult to explain even if we find the actions easy to perform
are automatic/ can be done on auto-pilot, so we don't really try to remember them
neuroimaging evidence has suggested that different types of memory are stored in different regions of the brain, what did Tulving (1994) do?
asked participants to perform various memory tasks whilst having their brains scanned using PET scanners
showed episodic and semantic memories were recalled, prefrontal cortex activated
left pfc involved in recalling semantic memories
right pfc involved in recalling episodic memories
what is the De Renzi et al, (1987) study?
an Italian woman who, after an episode of herpes encephalitis that affected the left temporal lobe
showed a severe impairment of semantic memory but her episodic memory was relatively undamaged
what is the O'Conner et al, (1992) study?
reported a patient with right temporal lobe damage after herpes encephalitis
showed severe impairment in recall of episodic memories but relatively undamaged semantic memory
supports the fact that episodic and semantic memories are distinct and reside in different parts
what are problems with clinical evidence from individuals with traumatic brain injuries?
researcher has limited control over variables in a clinical case study - very hard to show causation
there may be sufficient damage to the brain that makes it harder to know the causation, even if an area is implicated it could just be a relay station to another area
what are real-world applications of LTM clinical case studies?
gives those connected to a victim of memory damage support on how to communicate with them
psychologists can improve the quality of life for those individuals suffering from amnesia (Belleville et al. 2006 - could train older people's episodic memories to help improve their lives)
who argued that LTM could be split into declarative and non-declarative?