reactions w oxygen

Cards (7)

  • Reactions of period two and period three with oxygen include those of elements in groups one, two, and three.
  • Lithium plus oxygen forms lithium oxide, Li2O, with the formula needing two lithiums for every oxygen.
  • Magnesium, being in group two, forms magnesium oxide, MgO, with the formula needing two magnesium ions for every oxygen ion.
  • Aluminium, being in group three, forms aluminium oxide, Al2O3, with the formula needing two aluminium ions for every three oxygen ions.
  • Fluorine plus oxygen forms oxygen difluoride, 2F2O, with the formula needing two fluorines and an oxygen sharing electrons.
  • Non-metal oxides are gases, while metal oxides are solids, most of which are a giant ionic lattice.
  • When non-metal oxides dissolve in water, they form acids, while metal oxides form alkalis.