Social Learning Theory - G

    Cards (7)

    • (AO1) Give basic assumptions
      • Behaviour is learnt, not biologically influenced
      • SLT explains gender development in terms of socialisation & experience
      • Gender is a performance - learn to identify with from the environment
      • This involves observation of same-sex role models e.g. parents, older siblings, TV characters
      • Identification with same-sex role model is also more likely if the model is: attractive, has a high status, and is similar (in age, race, etc)
      • The meditational processes occur between observation and imitation
      • Ppl also learn through vicarious reinforcement
    • (AO1) State the meditational processes & define vicarious reinforcement
      Meditational processes = attention, retention, reproduction, motivation, (self efficacy and free will).

      VR = Learning from the observation of seeing the reward/punishment of others.

      E.g. child sees others rewarded for what is seen as sex-appropriate behaviour and therefore imitates.
    • (AO3) (+) Culture - Mead
      P: Sex-role stereotypes determined by where live & what societies deems "normal".

      E: Studied x3 tribes in Papa New Guinea. Each different gender roles. Arapesh tribe - both sexes high levels of "feminine" caring behaviour. Mundugumour tribe - both sexes high aggressive "masculine" behaviour. Tchambuli - fs dominant, ms emotional & responsible for children caring.

      E: Large variation in f/m normative g roles - cultural forces cause g stereotypes - gendered behaviour learnt by social conditioning, not innate biological process. Human nature is malleable.
    • (AO3) (+) - Media
      P: Media

      E 1: Williams studied Canadian town where TV introduced. 2 yrs later, increased difference in f & m behaviour, aligned with sex-stereotypes portrayed in media. New info added into schema of gender shaped traditional ideas of f/m.

      E 2: - Bandura, Bobo Doll exp - kids aggression learned, through o & i of model. Supports VR.

      E: But, media not fixed. Changing representations, like independent female protagonists in Frozen compared to passive roles in Snow White. Shows media's role in GD adapts to cultural shifts, supporting SLT's flexibility over time.
    • (AO3) Strength - Research evidence support
      P: Sex-role stereotypes reinforced directly/indirectly by adults.

      E: Smith & Lloyd recorded 32 adults playing with random 6m baby dressed neutrally, with boy/girl name. Perceived boys - verbally encouraged do gross motor activity more than girls. Also mothers physically encouraged only boys's gross motor skills by also doing activity = enhancing boys skills. Perceived girls - given soft toys. Encouraged to hold/cuddle/be nurturing.

      E: SLT not necessarily creating gendered behaviour, but reinforcing it.
    • (AO3) Strength - Households
      Point: Flexibility in explaining gendered behaviour even without a same-sex role model.

      Evidence: Children raised by single parents / same-sex couples still develop typical gender roles.

      Evaluate: Shows SLT can explain gender development in diverse families. SLT highlights how children apart by observing & imitating various role models, e.g. peers, teachers, media - making it a more inclusive theory.

      ADD: Thus, unlike the psychodynamic approach, which sees the absence of mother/father as issue (crucial for resolving unconscious conflicts)
    • To add into evaluation part of Mead paragraph ()& REMEMBER
      E: Big variation in f/m normative g roles - cultural forces cause g stereotypes - (Brother Boys/Sister Girls in Indigenous Australian cultures) gendered behaviour learnt by social conditioning, not innate biological process. Human nature is malleable.

      REMEMBER = Media & Cultures means SLT
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