What are Chromosomal abnormalities the leading cause of?
Pregnancyloss & intellectualdisability
Euploid - The correct number of chromosomes needed for a healthy cell
individual's complete set of chromsomes
46,XY or 46,XX
Chromosomes are ordered by :
Size - larger first
Centromere position : middle- Metacentric , Tip - Acrocentric , between middle and tip - submetacentric
Nomenclature : tips = telemore, short arm is p and long arm is q
Acrocentric chromosomes:
centromere near the tip
Human 13, 14 , 15 , 21 , 22 , Y
Short arms (p)
fewer genes
no essential genetic material
Nucleolus organising regions (NOR) -
contain rDNA
Robertsonian Translocations - involve the exchange of the short arm of one acrocentric chromosome with the long arm of a different acrocentric chromosome.
Regions in chromsomes:
Q/G Bands - A=T rich
R bands
Cytogenetic location
gene reference location
Chromosome → Arm→ region → band → sub-band
e.g. CFTR gene - Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, location
chromosome 7, long arm q , region 3, band 1 , sub-band 2
Ploidy (n)- Number of sets of chromosomes in a genome
Dna content (c) - amount of DNA in the cell
Cytogenetics -study of chromosomes and their abnormalities
Numerical abnormalities
Abnormal chromosome number
Polyploidy - Total chromosomal copies , Triploidy and Tetraploidy