Offender profiling

Cards (22)

  • What is offender profiling?
    Gathering info from crime scenes in order to predict who committed the crime and help to catch the perpetrators
  • Which country uses the top down approach?
  • How was the top down approach established?
    Interviewing 36 serial killers in the 1970s
  • How is the top down approach done?
    Assess the crime scene, theorise about the perpetrator and categorise them as 'organised' or 'disorganised'
  • What are characteristics of organised perpetrators?
    Higher education, calculated crime, high control over emotions (psychopaths/sociopaths)
  • What are characteristics of disorganised perpetrators?
    Careless, lower education, crimes of passion
  • Data assimilation
    Evidence gathered: interview witnesses, CCTV, photos, forensic evidence, police reports
  • Crime scene classification
    Decide whether it's an organised or disorganised crime
  • Crime reconstruction
    Hypotheses are made about what happened during the crime, victim behaviour and the sequence of events
  • Profile generation
    Profile is made based on social groups and treats
  • The Top down approach
    1. Data assimilation
    2. Crime scene classification
    3. Crime reconstruction
    4. Profile generation
  • What is the bottom up approach?
    Generating a picture of the offender through crime analysis. Investigative psychology and geographical profiling
  • Who developed investigative psychology?
    David Canter
  • What is investigative psychology?
    Statistical analysis of behaviour and geography
  • Interpersonal coherence
    Due to consistency in human behaviour, there are correlations between crime elements and everyday behaviour
  • Forensic awareness
    Link between behaviour and past experience
  • Space analysis
    Crime scene location and offender characteristics are correlated
  • Geographical profiling
    Plots crimes on a map to detect patterns or areas of similar crimes
  • What are the weaknesses of the top down approach?
    • Best suited to crimes that reveal something about the perpetrator (rape, burglary), less generalisable to less personal crimes (fraud, tax evasion)
    • Small sample- only 36 serial killers, self report is unreliable
  • What are the strengths of the top down approach?
    • Copson (1985) found 82% of US officers found it useful
    • Can help public manhunts
  • What are the strengths of the bottom up approach?
    • Godwin and Carter found 85% of offenders lived in the circle
    • Scientific- based on psychological theories and research
  • What are the weaknesses of the bottom up approach?
    • Koscis and Irwin only 50% of burglars lived in the circle
    • Western research- may not be generalised
    • Under reporting and police records limit effectiveness