At Edinburgh he studied medicine, then went to Cambridge to be ordained
What happened to Darwin's religion?
He rejected it
What year did he board the HMS beagle?
How long did Darwin gather his evidence for?
20 years
What was Darwin's publication?
On the Origin of Species, 1859
What did evolution challenge?
Creation and the idea humans are created in God'simage
What does evolution contradict about God?
That he created the world with a purpose and that his will would be worked out within it
What did Darwin believe about religious people?
They were naive
What does the Old Testament give a false account of?
History and Science
What did Darwin see God as?
A vengeful tyrant who could not be trusted
When did Darwin stop seeing God as omnipotent?
After evolution
When did Darwin stop seeing God as omnibenevolent?
After his daughter died and when he saw ants paralyse caterpillars to eat them alive
What did scientists think of evolution at the time?
What did Christians think of evolution at the time?
When did the idea of faith and evolution conflicting emerge?
In the 20th century when fundamentalists believed evolution denied Genesis
What did the CofE claim about evolution?
It was turning humans into beasts
Who ridiculed the theory of evolution?
The Church of England
What do Liberal Anglicans believe about evolution?
God initiated evolution as a way of designing the world
How does evolution support Hick's Iranean Theodicy?
Evolution allows humans to be at an epistemic distance from God
Any evidence of divine intervention would destroy the freedom to accept or deny God
Who was one of Darwin's most influential supporters?
Charles Kingsley- "The idea of a God who created creatures capable of self-development was as noble as the idea of a God who needed to intervene to produce a new species"
What do creationists or interventionists believe?
Natural selection is not needed because God intervenes directly
What does Richard Dawkins believe about evolution?
It is not compatible with a belief in God and is governed by the natural laws of biology and genetics