Charles Darwin and Evolution

Cards (22)

  • Where and what did Darwin study?
    At Edinburgh he studied medicine, then went to Cambridge to be ordained
  • What happened to Darwin's religion?
    He rejected it
  • What year did he board the HMS beagle?
  • How long did Darwin gather his evidence for?
    20 years
  • What was Darwin's publication?
    On the Origin of Species, 1859
  • What did evolution challenge?
    Creation and the idea humans are created in God's image
  • What does evolution contradict about God?
    That he created the world with a purpose and that his will would be worked out within it
  • What did Darwin believe about religious people?
    They were naive
  • What does the Old Testament give a false account of?
    History and Science
  • What did Darwin see God as?
    A vengeful tyrant who could not be trusted
  • When did Darwin stop seeing God as omnipotent?
    After evolution
  • When did Darwin stop seeing God as omnibenevolent?
    After his daughter died and when he saw ants paralyse caterpillars to eat them alive
  • What did scientists think of evolution at the time?
    Not all agreed
  • What did Christians think of evolution at the time?
    Not all opposed it
  • When did the idea of faith and evolution conflicting emerge?
    In the 20th century when fundamentalists believed evolution denied Genesis
  • What did the CofE claim about evolution?
    It was turning humans into beasts
  • Who ridiculed the theory of evolution?
    The Church of England
  • What do Liberal Anglicans believe about evolution?
    God initiated evolution as a way of designing the world
  • How does evolution support Hick's Iranean Theodicy?
    • Evolution allows humans to be at an epistemic distance from God
    • Any evidence of divine intervention would destroy the freedom to accept or deny God
  • Who was one of Darwin's most influential supporters?
    Charles Kingsley- "The idea of a God who created creatures capable of self-development was as noble as the idea of a God who needed to intervene to produce a new species"
  • What do creationists or interventionists believe?
    Natural selection is not needed because God intervenes directly
  • What does Richard Dawkins believe about evolution?
    It is not compatible with a belief in God and is governed by the natural laws of biology and genetics