double-bind theory

Cards (5)

  • what did Bateson argue
    that the way the family communicates can have an impact on the development of schizophrenia
    • suggested it could be due to frequent contradictory communication from the parent
  • what is double bind
    when a child receives conflicting messages from their parents
    • for example if a parents tells the parent they love them but shouts it in a verbally aggressive and hostile way they are receiving mixed messages
    • the words sound affectionate but are delivered in the opposite way
    • if the child responds in the wrong way to the parent they may be punished by the parent with holding love
  • what can double bind lead to
    paranoia and delusions due to seeing the world as unclear and a dangerous place
  • what is some evidence to support the theory
    Berger found that schizophrenics reported a higher recall of double-bind statements by their mother than non-schizophrenics
    • but this might not be reliable as their recall might be affected by their mental illness
    Bateson reported a case study - recovering schizophrenic visited in hospital by his mother, he embraced her warmly but she stiffened and when he withdrew his arms she said 'don't you love me anymore'
    = supports odea of double bind statements from parents
    • however its a case study so lack population validity and generalizability
  • what's is a contradictory study
    Liem measured patterns of parental communication in families with a schizophrenic child and found no difference compared with normal families
    • another study analyzed previous research and found no difference in double bind communication between families with a schizophrenic member and those without
    • lack validity