Eysenck's explanation

Cards (10)

  • Psychosocial explanations:
    Eyesenck's theory- 
    • Believed behaviour could be represented along 3 dimensions:
    • Introversion ----> extroversion
    • Stability ----> neuroticism 
    • Self-control ----> psychoticism    
    • Eyesneck showed that criminals scored highly on extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism 
    • Extrovert - constantly seeking excitement, stimulation, risk taking 
    • Link to criminal behaviour: risk taking from committing a crime and risking getting caught - may feel excitement from this also 
    • Neurotics - nervous, over-anxious/behaviour is difficult to predict 
    • Link to criminal behaviour: may commit crimes randomly as difficultly in predicting behaviours
    • Psychoticism - cold, unemotional, prone to aggression, low impulse control (this was added later) 
    • Link to criminal behaviour: low impulse control leads to inappropriate, criminal behaviours 
    • According to Eysenck - biological factors and socialisation result in the criminal personality (75% biological factors and 25% social) - interactionist theory 
    • biological basis to criminal personality
    • introverts - brain receives too much stimulation (ARAS is over-active) avoid environmental stimulation - also exhibit greater cortical arousal 
    • Extroverts - brain receives too little stimulation (ARNS is under-active) so they seek more stimulation from environment, links to risk taking - exhibit lower levels of cortical arousal 
    • People with a high extroverted and neurotic score are harder to condition (due to their nervous system-linking to biological factors) so less likely to learn anxiety responses (such as embarrassment) to antisocial impulses and as a result act anti-socially 
    • Biological factors of a person (nervous system)  mean they are not socialised properly and have a criminal factors 
    • Cortical arousal = the firing patterns of the neurons in the cerebral cortex 
    • Extroverts exhibit lower levels of cortical arousal 
  • limitation of Eysenck's personality questionnaire -
    self report - risk of social desirability bias as it is a sensitive topic
    likert scale used - misinterpretation of scale creates bias
    low internal validity
  • eysencks explanation supportive evidence -
    2070 European non-violent prisoners and 2422 non criminals did questionnaire - prisoners had higher scores for extroversion, psychoticism and neuroticism - shows theory may be a be an accurate explanation of criminal behaviour as the research is credible due to the large sample sizes. - This increases the external validity