A binary operation combines twoelements in a set and must be defined for all elements in the set
An operation is commutative if the order that the elements are combined has no effect on the output
An operation is associative if, in a series of elements all being combined in the same way, the pairs can be combined in anyorder without changing the result
The identity element is an element which leaves other elements unchanged when it is combined with them using the given operation
The inverse of an element is the value that you can combine with the element to get the identity
An operation is closed on a set if all combinations of elements in the set result in a value in the set
A set forms a group if:
The operation is closed
The operation is associative
The operation has an identity
Every element in the set has an inverse
A group can be considered an Abelian group if the operation is also commutative
A group in a Cayley table is a Latin Square - each element occurs exactly once in each row and column
A subgroup is a subset of elements of a group that still forms a group under the same operation.
The order of an element is the number of times that an element must be combined with itself to get the identity.
The order of a group is the number of elements in the group (including the identity).
A group that can be created by combining one element with itself multiple times is cyclic, and this element is a generator.
Lagrange’s theorem states that, for a finite group, all subgroups have an order which is a factor of the order of the group. This also applies to orders of the elements of a group.
The following are examples of groups, as well as the integers modulo n: