A03: Free Will VS/AND Determinism

Cards (6)

  • Law: -ve: D: A03
    Hard D say individual choice not cause of behaviour, stance not consistent with way legal system operates.
    • In court, offenders held morally accountable for their actions. Main principle of legal system is that defendant exercised their FW in committing the crime.
    • Also, D as an approach is unfalsifiable. Based on idea: causes of behaviour will always exist – even if they not yet been found
    Impossible to prove wrong so D approach to explaining human behaviour not as scientific as first appears! Suggest in real world, D arguments don't work. No falsifiability = unscientific
  • Face Validity & Practical Value: FOR FW: A03
    P: Idea FW has face validity as engaging in everyday life shows we constantly engaging our FW & making our own decisions.
    Research suggest people with internal LOC (believe they influence events & own behaviour) tend be more mentally healthy & optimistic.
    Roberts et al (2000)found adolescents with strong belief in fatalism (that their loves were 'decided' by events outside of their control)at greater risk of developing depression
    L: Suggest even if we don't have FW, the fact we think we do may have a + impact on psychological wellbeing & behaviour.
  • Neurological studies: FW AGAINST: A03PART 1
    P: Neurological studies into decision making have challenged notion of FW. 
    Studies demonstrated brain activity which determines the outcome of a simple choice occurs before having consciously made choice.
    E: Libert et al (1983)asked ppts to randomly flick wrist & say when they felt the will to move. Brain activity measured. Unconscious brain activity leading up to conscious decision to move came half a second before ppt conscious decision to move.
  • Neurological studies: FW AGAINST: A03 PART 2
    E: Haynes et al (2008) found activity related to whether to press a button with the left or right hand occurs in brain up to 10 seconds before pps’s conscious decision about it
    L: May be interpretated as meaning even our most basic experiences/thoughts of FW are actually determined by our brain before we aware of them.
  • Science: FOR Determinism: A03PART 1

    P: Determinism consistent with aims of science
    E: Assume, behaviour is orderly & obeys laws, places psychology on equal footing with other established sciences.
    Research into prediction & control of human behaviour led to development of treatments, therapies & behavioural interventions benefited many (valuable real-world applications). E.G: antipsychotic drug therapy treating SZ.
  • Science: FOR Determinism: A03 PART 2
    • Suggests if psychology wants to position itself alongside the natural sciences, determinist accounts likely be preferred.
    L: The experience of mental disorder like SZ challenge notion of FW as no one choose to have sz. So in terms of mental illness behaviour appear be determined.