Ringing experiments

Cards (21)

  • What does ringing refer to in botany?
    Removing a strip of bark from a plant
  • What does the removed strip of bark include?
    The phloem, but not the xylem
  • What is the role of phloem in plants?
    Transporting sugars and organic nutrients
  • What happens to the plant when the phloem is removed?
    It interrupts the transport system
  • What occurs above the ring after phloem removal?
    Accumulation of sugars leads to swelling
  • Why does swelling occur above the ring?
    Due to pressure buildup from accumulated sugars
  • What happens below the ring after phloem removal?
    Growth is stunted and may die off
  • What can prolonged ringing lead to below the ring?
    Wilting or die-back of the plant
  • What is the role of xylem in plants?
    Transporting water and minerals upwards
  • How does translocation in phloem work?
    Moves sugars from leaves to other plant parts
  • What happens to water transport during ringing?
    Water transport continues through the xylem
  • What is osmosis in relation to the ringing experiment?
    Absorption of water into cells causes swelling
  • What are the distinct functions of phloem and xylem?
    Phloem transports sugars; xylem transports water
  • In which direction does phloem transport nutrients?
    In both directions (up and down)
  • What is the source and sink concept in plants?
    Source is leaves; sink is roots or growth areas
  • What is the result of sugar accumulation above the ring?
    Causes swelling due to pressure build-up
  • What happens below the ring due to lack of sugar transport?
    Stunted growth or death of plant parts
  • What are the effects observed in the ringing experiment above the ring?
    • Sugar accumulation leads to bulging (callus)
    • Possible swelling from pressure buildup
  • What are the effects observed in the ringing experiment below the ring?
    • Reduced growth or death due to lack of sugars
    • Water and minerals still transported via xylem
  • What mechanisms explain the effects of ringing?
    • Translocation in phloem is disrupted
    • Xylem continues to transport water and minerals
    • Osmosis causes swelling above the ring
  • What are the important concepts highlighted by ringing experiments?
    • Distinct functions of phloem and xylem
    • Direction of transport in phloem and xylem
    • Source to sink concept in sugar transport