cell structure and mitosis

Cards (20)

  • during interphase cells are in a state of growth and dna replication in prep for mitosis
  • interphase is the longest phase of the cell cycle, lasting from 10-24 hours
  • gap 1 (G1) - cell grows and prepares to divide by synthesizing proteins needed during S phase
  • S phase - DNA replicates so that each daughter cell will have an exact copy of genetic material
  • prophase - chromatin condenses into visible x shaped chromosomes, nuclear envelope breaks down, centrioles move towards opposite poles of cell, spindle fibers form between them
  • metaphase - chromosomes line up along equator of cell, attached to spindle fibers at the centromere
  • anaphase - sister chromatids separate and move toward opposite ends of cell pulled apart by shortening spindle fibers
  • telophase - new nuclei begin forming around separated sets of chromosomes, spindle fibers disappear, cytoplasm divides
  • cytokinesis - division of cytoplasm occurs through pinching or furrowing
  • mitocondria have a double membrane, cristae structures, and a matrix
  • chloroplasts have an outer membrane, thylakoid membranes stacked together as grana, starch granules store excess glucose made during photosynthesis
  • cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation:
    • homogenise class to release organelles- must be done in isotonic, ice cold, ph buffered solutions
    • filtration- remove large debris such as large proteins
    • ultracentrifugation- spinning organelles at different speeds to remove organelles of different densities
  • binary fission- circular DNA replicates , cell elongates, dna moves to opposite poles of the cell, cytoplasm pinches and new cell wall is formed
  • the phospholipid bilayer has a hydrophobic tail and hydrophilic head in order to form a barrier for water soluble substances, allowing small, non-polar molecules through
  • mitochondria are double membrane bound organelles that are the site of aerobic respiration, they have a highly folded inner membrane creating a cristae (for a high SA)
  • ribosomes are made of RNA and proteins and are found in the cytoplasm, they can be free floating or attached to RER
  • lysosomes are single membrane bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest and recycle materials
  • peroxisomes contribute to cellular function by hydrolysing fatty acids
  • viruses are acellular, they consist of nucleic acids surrounded by proteins
  • in the phospholipid bilayer cholesterol maintains fluidity and also restricts the movement of other molecules.