mitocondria have a double membrane, cristae structures, and a matrix
chloroplasts have an outer membrane, thylakoid membranes stacked together as grana, starch granules store excess glucose made during photosynthesis
cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation:
Homogenise cells to break them open and release organelles
Filter to remove debris
Ice Cold solution to prevent enzyme activity
Isotonic solution to prevent osmosis
PH Buffered solution to stop enzymes denaturing
spin at low speed so nuclei in pellet can be removed
continue until required organelle is in pellet
the phospholipid bilayer has a hydrophobic tail and hydrophilic head in order to form a barrier for water soluble substances, allowing small, non-polar molecules through
mitochondria are double membrane bound organelles that are the site of aerobic respiration, they have a highly folded inner membrane creating a cristae (for a high SA)
ribosomes are made of RNA and proteins and are found in the cytoplasm, they can be free floating or attached to RER
lysosomes are single membrane bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest and recycle materials
peroxisomes contribute to cellular function by hydrolysing fatty acids
viruses are acellular, they consist of nucleic acids surrounded by proteins
in the phospholipid bilayercholesterol maintains fluidity and also restricts the movement of other molecules.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum is a series of flattened sacs enclosed by a membrane with ribosomes on the surface. it folds and processes proteins made on the ribosomes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a system of membrane bound sacs. it produces and processes lipids.
golgi apparatus is a series of fluid filled, flattened & curved sacs with vesicles surrounding the edges. Golgi apparatus processes and packages proteins and lipids. It also produces lysosomes.
Capsule (prokaryotic cell) – Protective slimy layer which helps the cell to retain moisture and adhere to surfaces.