Diffusion-random movement of particles from a high concentration to a lower concentration until they are evenlyspread
Rate of diffusion- affected by temperature, size of molecules, concentrationgradient, surfacearea
Carrier proteins- binds to specific molecules and transports them across the membrane, can be passive or active
Facilitateddiffusion- a type of passive transport that requires specific carrier proteins to transport large molecules and ions across a membrane, down the concentrationgradient
Osmosis- the net movement of water molecules from a higherwaterpotential to a region of lowerwaterpotential, through a selectivelypermeable membrane
Waterpotential - tendency of water molecules to move from one place to another
Isotonic-equal concentration of particles in the solution and in the cell
Hypertonic-more particles in the solution than the cell so the cell has a higher waterpotential, water moves out of the cell, cellshrinks
Hypotonic-more particles in the cell than the solution, so the cell has a lower waterpotential, water enters the cell, cellswells
Activetransport- movement of particles from a low concentration to a high concentration, against the concentrationgradient, using ATP energy, using carrier proteins
Co-transport- the movement of molecules using carrier proteins, in both directions, at the same time
How active transport works:
ATP binds to carrier proteins
ATP is hydrolysed into ADP and a phosphate group
Carrier protein changes shape, enabling it to bind to the particle and carry it across the phospholipidbilayer, against the concentration gradient
Name and describe 5 ways substances can move across the cell-surface membrane into a cell (5 marks):
Simple diffusion is where small molecules move down the concentrationgradient. (1) Facilitated diffusion is where molecules move down the concentrationgradient using channel proteins. (2) Osmosis is where water molecules move down the waterpotential gradient. (3) Active transport is where molecules move against the concentrationgradient using ATPenergy. (4) Co-transport of two different molecules using carrier proteins. (5)
ATPhydrolase- an enzyme which hydrolyses ATP into ADP and a phosphate group to releaseenergy, which is used to move ionsagainst the concentration gradient
Describe how the movement of substances across membranes is affected by membrane structure (5 marks):
Carrier proteins allow activetransport. (1) The number of carrier proteins determines how much movement of substances occurs. (2) The shape of carrier proteins determines whichsubstances are moved. (3) Cholesterol affects membrane fluidity. (4) Phospholipidbilayer allows the movement of small, non-polar molecules. (5)