Content Analysis

Cards (5)

  • what is it?
    - an observational study where behaviour is observed indirectly in written / verbal material / analysis of the content of something
  • why is behaviour observed indirectly?

    because you're not observing people directly, you're observing them through the artefacts they produce
  • what are the features of content analysis?
    produce qual data and turn qual into quan
    analyses content systematically using behavioural categories
    indirect observation of artefact - opportunity sampling
    analyses primary and secondary sources
    identifies behavioural categories - decide specific behaviours to be counted
  • what are the strengths of content analysis?
    + easy to assess reliability and replicate
    access materials and sources and use coding system to find if it's consistent or not
    + high eco val
    based on real life communications
    findings can be generalised beyond study setting to real life locations
    based on observations of what people actually do
  • what are the weaknesses of content analysis?
    _ hard to establish cause and effect
    only describes data that's not conducted under controlled experimental conditions
    low internal validity
    _ researcher bias
    subjective judgement - applying content to categories
    interpret differently
    researcher interpret to confirm hypothesis > low internal validity