Cards (14)

  • Conservation
    Protection and management of species and habitats in a sustainable way
  • Sustainable
    Using resources in a way that meets needs, but allows the use of them indefinitely
  • Conflicts
    The effect of two differing needs on the ecosystem
  • What are the reasons for conservation?
    Personal, ethical, economic, cultural and aesthetic reasons
  • How do you manage succession?
    Prevent the species or ecosystem from changing to a point where previous species are no longer supported
  • What is an example of managing succession?
    Grazing and burning
  • What are seed banks?
    Stores of seeds that can be used to reintroduce species into the wild if they become endangered or extinct
  • What are the problems with seed banks?
    They are expensive, time-consuming and can disturb the eco-system they are reintroduced to
  • What is captive breeding?
    Breeding an endangered or extinct species in captivity with the goal of reintroducing it to the wild
  • What are some issues with captive breeding?
    • Some species have difficulty breeding outside of their wild habitats (e.g. pandas and eels)
    • Reintroduced animals can bring new diseases
  • What are fishing quotas?
    Limits on the amount of fish that can be caught in order to reduce the number of fish being caught and killed
  • What are the issues with fishing quotas?
    • Limits fishermen's incomes
    • Throwing already dead fish back into the ocean purely to stay under quota
    • International cooperation is necessary
  • What are protected areas?
    National parks and reserves that restrict urban development in order to protect species
  • What is the problem with protected areas?
    Increased ecotourism, which increases pollution