
Cards (12)

  • future, passive, indicative of the verb portare
    portabor, portaberis, portabitur, portabimur, portabimini, portabuntur
  • future, active, indicative of the verb portare
    portabo, portabis, portabit, portabimus, portabitis, portabunt
  • future, active, indicative of the verb monere
    monebo, monebis, monebit, monebimus, monebitis, monebunt
  • future, passive, indicative of the verb monere
    monebor, moneberis, monebitur, monebimur, monebimini, monebuntur
  • future, active, indicative of the verb trahere
    traham, trahes, trahet, trahemus, trahetis, trahent
  • future, passive, indicative of the verb trahere
    trahar, traheris, trahetur, trahemur, trahemini, trahentur
  • future, active, indicative of the verb audire
    audiam, audies, audiet, audiemus, audietis, audient
  • future, passive, indicative of the verb audire
    audiar, audieris, audietur, audiemur, audiemini, audientur
  • future, active, indicative of the verb capere
    capiam, capies, capiet, capiemus, capietis, capient
  • future, passive, indicative of the verb capere
    capiar, capieris, capietur, capiemur, capiemini, capientur
  • future, indicative of the verb esse
    ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt
  • future, indicative of the verb ire
    ibo, ibis, ibit, ibimus, ibitis, ibunt