Spectator ship theory

Cards (17)

  • what is Spectatorship theory?
    how the film manipulates and constructs our emotional reactions to things
  • what are the two types of Spectators?
    Passive and Active
  • passive spectator
    the concept of active and passive spectatorship addresses the level of audience engagement with a film
  • active spectator
    active spectator analyse interpret and scrutinise film elements while passive spectator costume a film without much critical thought
  • what are the 4 aspects of active audience theory
    1. Information
    2. Personal identity
    3. Enhance social interaction
    4. Entertainment and escapism
  • what are the 4 multiple spectating selves
  • Social-Self
    gaining satisfaction form having a similar response to other spectators/ homogenous mass
  • Cultural self
    "gets" references and meanings generated by memory of other films and media forms. We get pleasure from a film recognising our "cultural capital"
  • private self
    generates personal and unique meanings based on personal meaning
  • desiring self
    brings conscious/unconscious energies and responses that have little to do with surface context. I.e the effects of the star appeal
  • what are the 5 different types of Gazes that chandler created
    Spectators gaze
    intra- diegetic
    extra- diegetic
    cameras gaze
    text- within a text
  • Spectators gaze
    viewpoint of the camera usually offering voyeuristic pleasure (we are watching someone intimate life without them knowing we are watching them)
  • Intra- diegetic
    the characters look at eachother (we emphasise with their responses because of the use the shot reverse shot
  • extra diegetic
    characters looking directly at the camera becoming aware that they're being watched (ether by another character or spectator)
  • cameras gaze
    the film reveals mechanics of the gaze reminding us that we are watching a film
  • text- within a text
    the characters are also watching/making a film and for a time we watch the film they are also seeing or constructing
  • what are the 3 techniques used to make the audience feel connected with the characters
    physical suturing
    emotional suturing
    moral suturing