The branch of Science which deals with the study of human bone is called Osteology.
300 bones at birth and 206 in adults
The major proportion of the bone is formed by Collagen fibers.
Collagen is the Fibrous Protein.
The terminal region of bone is called Epiphysis, Middle region is called Diphysis and in between middle and terminal region is the Metaphysis at both ends.
The epiphysis is Cancellous or Spongy part of the bone.
Epiphysis has small weight bearing cross linked regions called Trabeculae.
Epiphysis is filled with Red bone marrow.
The external part of Diphysis is called Cortical Bone.
Cortical Bone forms 80% of the skeletal structure.
Diphysis consist of many small cylinders known as Osteons.
Each osteon is made up of many Lamellae.
Lamellae are the concentric layers made of an Organic Part Collagen and the inorganic part called Hydroxyapatite.
Hydroxyapatite is mostly Calcium phosphate.
In the center of every Osteon is a Harversian Canal.
Harversian Canal contains the blood supply and innervation of the bone cells.
In the centre of the bone is the Medullary Canal, a hollow space lined by a honeycomb like structure.
The overall outer covering of bone is called Periosteum.
The inner layer of bone is Endosteum.
Endosteum have Progenitor Stem cells.
Progenitor stem cells develops into Osteoblast.
Osteoblast secrets the Bone Matrix and the Chondroblast secrets Cartilage.
Osteoblast is isolated by the surrounded matrix in the spaces called lacunae.
Osteocytes are the mature cells that form bones.
Osteocytes phagocytize the bony matrix.
The outer layer of of cartilage is called Perichondrium.
Cartilage get Nutrition by Diffusion.
Between the ribs and sternum Hyaline Cartliage is present.
Fibrocartliage is the hardest among all, present at intervertebral disc, Knee joint and Pectoral girdle.
Elastic cartlage is the most flexible&strong located in the pinna of the ear, external and internal auditory tubes, epiglottis and larynx.
Axial skeleton— 80 bones.
Cranial bones—8.
FOES— Single bones.
Temporal and Parietal— In pairs.
Auditory Ossicles ( Malleus, Incus) are the smallest bone present in the body.
Non-articulated— Hyoid bone("U" shaped)—lies b/w skull and Postcranial skeleton.
34. 7-Cervical > 7Cer > Neck 12-Thoracic > 12Tho > Chest
5-Lumber > 5Lum > Abdominal region
1-Sacrum > 1Sac > form by 5 vertebrae
1-Coccyx > 1Coc > form by 4 vertebrae
The first seven pairs of bones in the rib cage are called True Ribs 1-7.
The remaining five pairs of bones in the rib cage are called False Ribs 8-12.
The last two pairs of bones in the rib cage are called Floating ribs 11-12.