the outward growth of urban development which may engulf surrounding villages and towns into a larger urban agglomeration
what are the suburbs?
The outlying areas of a city which are close enough to the city centre to be accessible by commuters
What happens as suburbs grow?
they attract both people from rural areas AND people from inner city and CBD areas , who are attracted to the greater amount of space within the suburb
what is the CBD?
What does suburbanisation result in?
the physical spreading of a city into surrounding countryside areas, known as URBAN SPRAWL and this puts pressure on greenfield sites and nature
What is an economic effect of living in the suburbs?
Quite high land prices - housing is expensive !!
What does suburbanisation do- how is it a part of urbanisation?
it is a part of urbanisation in that it increases the proportion of people that live in towns and cities in comparison to those in rural areas
What are the suburbs like in BRITAIN?
predominantly high density residential in nature
have often rural characteristics such as larger gardens and tree-lined avenues
What should suburbanisation not be linked to?
Why should suburbanisation not be linked to housing?
because industries have also suburbanised
Are all suburbs the same?
what are there several types of ?
what are many suburbs populated by?
What 3 factors can influence the characteristics and layout of a suburb?
the time they were built
the planners that were involved
the physical surroundings of the environment
Where did RICHER CLASSES go during the industrial revolution?
The suburbs away from industrial areas ,living in large terraced town houses
What were plot sizes like during the interwar period?
plot sizes were ample and semidetached housing was favoured in many locations
CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES WERE: Recreational facilities, local shops and low building densities
What have land prices done more recently?
Why have building densities in suburbs increased?
land prices have risen and land is at a premium
What are the effects in suburbs off land prices increasing?
building densities have increased
many modern suburbs include flats and taller town houses with smaller gardens
cunning developers market detached houses with little space between the buildings
why has land prices increased?
due to population growth in Britain
What has suburban house building also been affected by?
transport and communication innovations - continuing improvements of arterial routes to the city centre, the development of underground railways etc have all affected the suburbs and their development
What is another term for social housing?
council housing
What has been provided for low income people in suburban locations?
Affordable housing
Has further complicated the patterns of suburbanisation in Britain
Are suburbs in Britain the same as suburbs in other European Cities, USA and Australia?
These tend to be much lower density and increase dependency upon the car
Give 2 pros of suburbanisation for the INNER CITY?
Suburbs mean that htere is less need for high-rise, high-density housing (such as in deindustrialised areas of Newcastle), leading to clearance and replacement by low-rise, low-density housing. this is better for residence
the greater availability of space created by clearance of inner city areas allows for improved communication networks
give 2 CONS of suburbanisation for INNER CITY?
Decline of inner city areas as skilled people and businesses move away. = suburbanisation of jobs leads to employment opportunities which leads to a spiral of decline
communities are split up and damaged as people migrate out to the suburbs
give 2 PROS of suburbanisation for the RURAL URBAN FRINGE?
The LOCAL TAX BASE increases which means that councils can afford to develop new facilities and services in the expanding suburbs
As wealthy people move there is increasing demand for shopping = demand for retailing = increasing employment opportunities in shops such as BALIOL BUSINESS PARK IN LONGBENTON
Where is an example of a business park?
Baliol Business Park in Longbenton
Give 2 CONS of suburbanisation for RURAL URBAN FRINGE?
Land increases in price as demand increases at the city edge
There is increased commuting = increased congestion and pollution