Demographic Transition Model

Cards (13)

  • Demographic transition model
    This is a model which shows how population has changed over time. It shows how birth rate and death rate have influenced the total population of a place and changed over the years.
  • It studies how birth rate and death rate affect the total population of a country. It shows marked differences between LEDCs and MEDCs.
  • LEDC - Less developed country
    MEDC - More economically developed country
  • As a country passes through the demographic transition model, the total population increases
  • All country’s populations move through the stages of the model. Some move more quickly than others, so different countries are at different stages.
  • Stage 1:
    • Birth and death rates are very high
    • No large population growth
    • No education or birth control
    • Lack of hygiene
    • Large families
  • Stage 2:
    • High birth rates but low death rates
    • Healthcare improves
    • Less infants die
    • More transport and medical care
    • Improved sanitation
  • Stage 3:
    1. Birth rates and death rates decrease
    2. Better education
    3. Low infant mortality
    4. Birth control
    5. Less children need to work
  • Stage 4:
    • Stable population
    • More deaths than births
    • Good education and hygeine
    • Birth control available
    • Desire for small family
  • Stage 5:
    • Population is high but declining
    • Ageing population
    • Less births and more deaths
    • Population will decrease because of low birth rates
    • Women have financial independance
  • Contraception is the act of preventing pregnancy
  • The aim of the demographic transition model is to measure levels of development
  • A development index measures a countries performance according to specific development indicators