Cards (28)

  • Nervous tissue is made up of 2 principal cell types:
    • Supporting cells (Neuroglia or glial cells) - support and protect neurons
    • Neurons - receive stimuli and conduct action potentials
  • CNS glial cells:
    • astrocytes
    • microglia
    • ependymal cells
    • oligodendrocytes
  • Astrocytes - star-shaped; most abundant and versatile neuroglia; anchors neurons to blood capilliaries
  • Microglia - spiderlike phagocytes; dispose of debris and defend CNS cells
  • Ependymal cell - line cavities of the brain and spinal cord; helps circulate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • Oligodendrocytes - wrap around nerve fibers in the CNS; produce myelin sheaths
  • Glial cells of the PNS:
    • Schwann cells
    • Satellite cells
  • Schwann cells - form myelin sheath around nerve fibers in the PNS
  • Satellite cells - protect and cushion neuron cell bodies
  • Major regions of all neurons:
    • Cell body - nucleus and metabolic center of the cell
    • Processes - fibers that extend from the cell body
  • Parts of the cell body of the neuron:
    • Nucleus with large nucleolus
    • Nissl bodies (Rough ER)
    • Neurofibrils (maintain cell shape)
  • Processes (fibers) in the neuron:
    • Dendrites
    • Axons
    • Synaptic cleft
    • Synapse
  • Dendrites - conduct impulses toward the cell body
  • Axons - conduct impulses away from the cell body
  • Synaptic cleft - gap between axon terminals and the next neuron
  • Synapse - functional junction between nerves when a nerve impulse is transmitted
  • Types of Neurons:
    • Multipolar neurons
    • Unipolar neurons
    • Bipolar neurons
    • Pseudo-unipolar neurons
  • Multipolar neuron - many dendrites and a single axon; most common
  • Unipolar neurons - sensory neurons in PNS ganglia that conduct impulses both toward and away from the cell body; located in the nose and eye
  • Bipolar neurons - one dendrite and one axon
  • Pseudo-unipolar neurons - have a single process extending from the cell body, which divides into 2 branches, and still function as a single axon
  • Myelin - white, fatty material covering axons; speeds nerve impulse
  • Neurilemma - part of Schwann cell external to the myelin sheath
  • Nodes of Ranvier - gaps in myelin sheath along the axon
  • Nuclei - clusters of cell bodies in the CNS
    Ganglia - collections of cell bodies in the PNS
  • Tracts - bundles of nerve fibers in the CNS
    Nerves - bundles of nerve fibers in the PNS
  • White matter - collections of myelinated fibers
    Gray matter - mostly unmyelinated fibers
  • Myelin sheath - surrounds nerve fibers