Hard engineering - The use of concrete and large artificial structures to defend the coast against natural erosion processes. (man made)
Rock Armour
Large rocks which are placed in front of the cliff,
sea wall or piled up along the coast
The boulders absorb wave energy reducing
erosion and flooding.
Wide cages filled with rocks that can be built up to support a cliff or provide a buffer against the sea
Timber or rock structures built out to sea from the coast.
Sea wall
A wall made out of hard material e.g. concrete, modern ones have a recurved face that reflect waves back to sea
Timber or rock structures built out to sea from the coast (beach) trap sediment being moved by longshore drift and enlarge the beach on one side of the groyne.
Groynes interrupt longshore drift, starving beaches further along the coast and often leading to increased rates of erosion elsewhere.
Groynes are unnatural and can be viewed as ugly.
Groynes create a wider beach, which can be popular for tourists.
Groynes are less expensive than other methods of beach management.