Paper 2 Topics

Cards (182)

  • Skill
    A learned action/ behaviour with the intention of bringing about predetermined results with maximum certainty and minimum outlay of time and energy.
  • Abilities
    inherited from your parents, abilities are stable traits that determine an individuals potential to learn or acquire skills
  • open skill
    A skill which is performed in a certain way to deal with a changing or unstable environment, eg to outwit an opponent.
  • closed skill
    A skill which is not affected by the environment or performers within it. The skill tends to be done the same way each time.
  • Self paced skill
    The skill is started when the performer decides to start it. The speed, rate or pace of the skill is controlled by the performer.
  • Externally paced skill
    The skill that is started because of an external factor. The speed, rate or pace of the skill is controlled by external factors, eg an opponent.
  • Gross skill
    involves big body movementslarge muscle groupsnot very accurate and precise
  • Fine skill
    Involves small precise movements and the use of small muscle groups . Movements tend to involve precision and accuracy
  • performance goals
    Personal standards to be achieved. Performers compare themselves against what they have already done or suggest what they are going to do. There is no comparison with other performers.
  • outcome goals
    Focus on end result/winning.
  • SMART goals
    Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
  • information processing model
    model of memory that assumes the processing of information for memory storage is similar to the way a computer processes memory in a series of three stages
  • Visual guidance
    Guidance that you can see
  • Verbal guidance
    Guidance that is provided by another person speaking to you.
  • Manual guidance
    Physically moving the performer, for example the coach supporting the movement through physical touch.
  • Mechanical guidance
    Using mechanical aids to assist a performer, for example using a float in swimming or a harness in trampolining.
  • knowledge of results
    Feedback about the outcome
  • Intrinsic feedback
    Feedback received from within, for example kinaesthetic feel
  • Extrinsic feedback
    Feedback from an external source
  • Types of feedback can be remembered through REPPIN
    R- results E-extrinsic P- positive P- performanceI- intrinsic N- Negative
  • arousal
    Arousal is a physical or mental state of alertness/excitement varying from deep sleep to intense excitement. As arousal increases, performers must use specific strategies to control the level of arousal as if arousal is not at correct level, performance may suffer.
  • Inverted U theory
    arousal facilitates performance up to an optimal level, beyond which further increases in arousal are associated with reduced performance
  • Controlling arousal levels
    Deep breathingMental rehearsal positive self talk
  • direct aggression
    Direct aggression is when there is actual contact between performers. For example a high rugby tackle with force
  • indirect aggression
    Indirect aggression does not involve physical contact. The aggressive act is taken out on an object to gain an advantage over an opponent.f For example smashing a badminton shuttle very hard to win a point but also harming the confidence of the opponent
  • extrovert

    Personality type characterised by being sociable, active, talkative and out-going- usually associated with team sports.
  • Introvert
    Personality type characterised by being quiet, shy, passive and reserved- usually associated with individual sports
  • intrinsic motivation
    The drive to succeed of the desire to achieve something
  • extrinsic motivation
    The drive experienced by a performer when striving to achieve a reward.
  • extrinsic rewards
    Tangible- such as certificates, trophies, medals etc.intangible- such as praise or feedback from others, applause from the crowd.
  • What is a socio-economic group?
    A groups place within society which depends on a number of factors including occupation, education, income and wealth
  • What is a lower social economic group?
    Some ethnicity cannot afford specific affluent sports such as golf or tennis, due to a lack of income or time
  • What is discrimination?

    the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex which stop them from playing sport
  • How does disability affect performance?

    Difficult to find motivation Hard to perform activities Little role models or support for activities
  • How does gender effect performance
    Deemed weaker and less able so may have a mental barrier Less media coverage Less money and support
  • How does ethnicity effect performance?
    Stereotyping for different sports Lower economic backgrounds Racism
  • What are the three main types of disability?
    Physical, mental and sensory
  • What are the benefits of integration?

    Less discriminationLess stereotyping Fewer barriers
  • Give two adapted sports used for disabled people?

  • What is inclusiveness?

    Providing everyone with equal opportunities within sport