Focus on the nation-state as the basis for all modern states.
Nation states depend on civic nationalism for their survival.
Idea that internationalism is good and can break down divisions that separate people based on separate states - as this is a denial of liberty.
Domination by external states is a barrier to national progress.
The state should be based on democratic institutions and the idea of liberty.
Liberal Nationalist views on the Economy
National self-determination is essential to economic progress.
Economic development to improve the wellbeing of citizens is essential to improving the nation.
Idea of free trade between nations to increase prosperity and export liberal democracy - such as in former communist nations in the 1990s.
Liberal Nationalist views on Human Nature
Membership of a nation is not dependent on ethnicity or religion - simply subscription to civic nationalism.
Culture should be protected through democratic institutions and the ideal of liberty.
Humans naturally desire 'government by consent'.
Humans are naturally opposed to domination by an external state or monarch.
Humans naturally seek international and supranational co-operation, such as the EU or NATO.
Liberal Nationalist views on Society
Society can exist outside of national identity.
Civic nationalism advocates the creation of national pride without the need for a common history or ethnicity.
National boundaries in society should be broken down on the basis that the nation-state is a denial of liberty.
Support a multicultural society; traditional nationalism is replaced by civic pride and patriotism.
Conservative Nationalist Views on the Economy
Some seek to reduce external interference by opposing free trade and adopting protectionist measures.
Modern nativism; adopt protectionist policies to oppose the subversion of the nation by globalisation - such as the doctrines of Trump.
Modern imperialism; advocates for the economic dominance of a region as essential to the superiority of a nation.
Nativism seeks to reduce economic competition which in turn threatens economic progress.
Conservative Nationalist views on Society
Traditional nationalists; fear that liberalism and excess individual liberty will weaken the unity of the nation.; society should be led by the collective will of the people.
Focus on unifying society; shown in Bismarck's Germany or Garibaldi's Italy.
Organic society united by a shared sense of history and culture.
Conservative Nationalist views on Human Nature
Traditional; language is key feature of common culture - people may unite based on common language.
Racialist; nationality is reserved to members of that race such as Chinese nationalism. A racial group is the basis of nationhood.
Humans are naturally patriotic towards their nation.
Regressive Nationalists; humans are naturally xenophobic, fearing the influence of external states and groups inside society - may be antisemitic; humans naturally desire a strong and unified nation.
Conservative Nationalist Views on the State
Regressive Nationalists; state must defend the nation from internal and external threats; fear influence of foreign states and groups into society - including antisemitism.
Conservative states are either excessively defensive and seek to preserve national traditions; or are expansionist and seek to spread their national values to other peoples - such as the British Empire.
The state exists to serve the interests of the organic nation.
Expansionist Nationalist Views on Human Nature
Some humans are racially-superior to others; they deserve to be dominated by the superior nation.
Humans are naturally militaristic and seek to defend their nation.
Humans are naturally racist; this motivates people to defend their nation.
Expansionist Nationalist Views on the State
State should be chauvinistic; one nation is superior to others.
State can be imperial; seeking to colonise other nations.
State should be militaristic; nationalism and the state are joined by military conquest.
Anti/Post-Colonial Nationalist Views on the State
State needs to be authoritarian; need for strong central authority to build national identity which has been suppressed by colonialism or imperialism.
State should focus on 'liberation politics'.
State often shaped by Leadership Cults as the leader of the state also becomes leader of the nation.
Anti/Post-Colonial Nationalist views on Society
Society should be based upon 'liberation politics'.
Pan-Nationalism in society; different people with common identities such as race, tribe, or culture will come together in a new national society that has not existed before.
Examples include pan-Arabism, and pan-Africanism.
Anti/Post-Colonial Nationalist Views on the Economy
Most nationalist movements of this kind are socialist; synthesis of nationalism and socialism creates an economy which is independent of global capitalism.
These nations seek to free themselves from 'economic imperialism'.
Black Nationalism
Belief in the common ancestry of black peoples in Africa; Ethiopia is a key focus, seen as the ancient cradle of civilisation.
Associated with 'black consciousness'; a collective identity based on a common experience of slavery and oppression.
One practical application in the creation of the State of Liberia; in West Africa.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Believed that patriotism and civic pride were vital qualities needed to reinforce the nation.
Romantic idea of the nation; existence of a 'national spirit' which could unify people and form a basis for democracy.
Liberal; belief in the collective freedom of the people.
Republican; would only accept government by the collective consent of the people.
Rational; provides a rational justification for the political existence of the nation.
Johann Gottfried von Herder
Very romantic nationalist thinker; reacted against the rational ideas of Rousseau.
Believed that a common language was key to nationalism.
A national language expresses the common culture of a people, so Herder claimed a nation is defined by it's culture.
'Volksgeist'; the common culture and national spirit of a people.
German unification; German should be defined by their language and that this could form the basis for a united German nation.
Conservative Nationalist.
Giuseppe Mazzini
Romantic revolutionary figure who was willing to fight for his nationalist beliefs; regarded as the founder of a united Italy in the 1860s.
Led the 'Young Italy' Movement; republican and determined to overthrow the monarchy.
A nation could only consider itself free if it was a pure democracy.
Recognised the importance of the romantic idea of a national spirit.
Conflicts with liberalism; views collective freedom of the nation as superior to individual freedom.
Charles Maurras
Anti-Democracy; supported a hereditary monarchy.
Saw Monarchy as symbol of national power and pride.
Laid a heavy stress on patriotism.
Reactionary; seeks bygone age of French Glory.
Chauvinistic; a quasi-fascist belief that the French were racially superior.
Individualism should be suppressed in favour of a collective national spirit.
Integral Nationalism; denial of individual will in favour of collective will of the nation.
Marcus Garvey
Developed idea of black-nationalism; a force to unite all peoples of African origin.
Anti-Colonial; imperialism was main obstacle to black nationalism.
Pan-Nationalist; seeks to bring all African nations together.
Major influence on 'black consciousness' movement of the 1960s.
Common Black Identity; Ethiopia was the birthplace of all Black people.