What was the 6th commandment and how did it change?
The 6th commandment was "No animal shall kill another animal." Now, "No animal shall kill another animal without cause." - pigs changed after their "show trial."
What did Napoleon do for his safety? Why?
Napoleon had four dogs near him when he slept, pig named Pinkeye sampled his foods before he ate.
Who did Napoleon traded the woodpile to? Outcome of trading.
Napoleon traded the woodpile to Frederick. Frederick cheated; & put war Battle of the Windmill.
How did Frederick cheat Napoleon?
By using forgery notes to buy the timber & destroyed the windmill.
Latest info. about Snowball.
Siding with Frederick to takeover Animal Farm.
Stories about Mr. Frederick and his animals cruelty.
Threw a dog in the furnace-murder, cows starved, flogged an old horse to death, cock fights with razors attached to their spurs.
Why does Squealer tell that Snowball poisoned Napoleon's food. What actually happened to Napoleon?
To make the animals go further into Napoleon's side than Snowball's & he knows that Napoleon was just drunk.
What does Muriel find out about the 5th commandment?
5th commandment- "No animal shall drink alcohol." Now, "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess."
What was the Windmill called?
Napoleon Mill.
What new decoration did Napoleon create?
the Order of the GreenBanner- known for himself.
Did Pilkington helped on the Battle of the Windmill?
No. He responded in a piece of paper, "Serves you Right."