Big Bang Theory

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  • How old does scientific evidence suggest the earth is?
    4.5 billion years old
  • How old do young earth creationists see the earth to be?
    5,700 to 10,000 years old
  • Why do young earth creationists believe the earth is so young?
    They read Genesis literally and believe God created the earth in six, 24 hour days
  • What did Henry Morris write?
    A series of books in the 20th century
  • What did Henry Morris promote?
    "Creation science" which defends young earth creationism
  • When does Ken Ham believe Noah's flood happened?
    2348 BC
  • What does Ken Ham believe about the dinosaurs?
    They co-existed with genetically modern humans
  • What does Ken Ham believe about dating the earth?
    All scientific methods are wrong, only God's account can be trusted
  • How old do old earth creationists see the earth to be?
    4.5 billion years old
  • What does creative epoch mean?
    God had bursts of creative activity followed by long periods of equilibrium
  • Why do old earth creationists reject Darwinism?
    They believe God created species uniquely, so there was no evolution from other species
  • How are the pre-human hominid species different to modern humans?
    They did not have souls, Adam was the first man to be given an eternal soul
  • Why does intelligent design reject natural selection?
    Certain features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause
  • What does Michael Behe claim?
    Many biological systems are "irreducibly complex" at the molecular level
  • What does Behe believe about Darwinism?
    Irreducible complexity cannot be produced by successive modifications
  • What argument links/challenges Behe's?
    Process theology- God impacts the world on a molecular level
  • What does the scientific community think of intelligent design?
    Reject it as pseudoscience
  • What does intelligent design attempt to do?
    Make creationism respectable
  • Where did the universe originate from?
    A singularity of infinite density that expanded rapidly 13.8 billion years ago
  • What is the evidence for the Big Bang theory?
    Red shift theory and cosmic background radiation
  • What happens to laws of physics when we approach the singularity?
    They break down- supports Ham's idea that natural laws changed and the belief that the singularity is God
  • What did Einstein call his "biggest blunder"?
    Adding a cosmological constant to an equation to make it so the universe was not expanding
  • Why did Einstein add the cosmological constant?
    He assumed the universe was stable and constant
  • Who originally proposed the Big Bang Theory?
    George Lemaitre
  • Who is George Lemaitre
    A belgian physicist and Roman Catholic priest
  • What was George Lemaitre's hypothesis?
    Hypothesis of the primeval atom
  • What did the Pope say about the Big Bang?
    "The Big Bang, which we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of a divine creator but rather requires it"
  • What do fundamentalists claim about science?
    It attacks God