
Cards (68)

  • What is the purpose of the Higher Education Act of 1994 (R.A. 7722)?
    To promote affordable quality education
  • How does the Higher Education Act ensure education accessibility?
    By taking appropriate steps for accessibility
  • What does the Higher Education Act protect?
    Academic freedom
  • What are the goals of promoting academic freedom according to the Higher Education Act?
    Intellectual growth, learning, and leadership
  • What is the Commission on Higher Education's relationship with the Department of Education?
    Independent and separate
  • To whom is the Commission on Higher Education attached for administrative purposes?
    Office of the President
  • What institutions does the Commission on Higher Education cover?
    Public and private higher education institutions
  • What are the main articles in the CHED Memorandum Order No. 13 Series of 2017?
    • Article I: Introduction
    • Article II: Authority to Operate
    • Article III: General Provisions
    • Article IV: Program Specifications
    • Article V: Curriculum
    • Article VI: Required Resources
    • Article VII: Compliance of HEIs
    • Article VIII: Transitory, Repealing and Effectivity Provisions
  • What is the rationale for implementing competency-based education?
    To shift to learning outcomes-based education
  • What is the degree name for the program described in the CHED Memorandum?
    Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science
  • What is the nature of the BSMT/BSMLS program?
    A four-year program with general and professional courses
  • What is included in the internship program for BSMT/BSMLS?
    One year in a CHED-accredited training laboratory
  • What are the rotational sections for the BSMT/BSMLS internship program?
    1. Clinical Chemistry
    2. Hematology
    3. Microbiology
    4. Immunohematology
    5. Immunology and Serology
    6. Urinalysis and Body Fluids
    7. Parasitology
    8. Histopathologic/Cytologic Techniques
  • What are the program goals for BSMT/BSMLS graduates?
    Develop knowledge, skills, and professional values
  • What professions can BSMT/BSMLS graduates pursue?
    1. Licensed Medical Technologists
    2. Diagnostic Molecular Scientists
    3. Research Scientists
    4. Educators
    5. Diagnostic Product Specialists
    6. Public Health Practitioners
    7. Healthcare Leaders
  • In which allied medical fields can a MT/MLS graduate practice?
    1. Public Health/Epidemiology
    2. Veterinary Laboratory Science
    3. Molecular Biology
    4. Nuclear Science
    5. Forensic Science
    6. Health Administration
    7. Food and Industrial Microbiology
  • What are the common program outcomes for BSMT/BSMLS?
    Common to all programs and specific to BSMT/BSMLS
  • What are the performance indicators for BSMT/BSMLS graduates?
    1. Technical competence in laboratory tests
    2. Analytical and critical thinking skills
    3. Health information analysis
    4. Interpersonal skills and ethical practice
    5. Research skills in Medical Technology
    6. Community-oriented activities
    7. Life-long learning activities
    8. Effective teaching and communication skills
  • What is the curriculum description for Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science education?
    HEIs may exercise flexibility in curricula
  • What are the summary of units required for the BSMT/BSMLS program?
    • General Education Core Courses: 24 units
    • General Education Elective Courses: 9 units
    • General Education Mandated Courses: 3 units
    • Physical Education Course: 8 units
    • NSTP Course: 6 units
    • Core Course: 25 units
    • Professional Courses: 65 units
    • Research Courses: 5 units
    • Clinical Internship Courses: 28 units
  • What are the requirements for the Medical Technology internship program?
    Completion of first three years' course requirements
  • What examinations must applicants undergo for the internship?
    Physical and laboratory examinations
  • What proof is required for internship applicants regarding vaccinations?
    Proof of vaccination against hepatitis
  • Who administers the BSMT/BSMLS program?
    A full-time dean/head
  • What qualifications must the dean/head of the BSMT/BSMLS program have?
    Filipino citizen and registered Medical Technologist
  • What is the minimum teaching experience required for the dean/head?
    At least 5 years of satisfactory teaching experience
  • What managerial experience is required for the dean/head?
    At least 2 years of managerial/supervisory competence
  • What must the dean/head be an active member of?
    Professional organizations related to Medical Technology
  • What does the letter "P" stand for in the educational context described?
  • What is the purpose of the "D" in the educational context?
    To demonstrate skills acquisition
  • What is one qualification for the dean/head of the BSMT/BSMLS program?
    Must be a Filipino citizen
  • What is required for the dean/head regarding moral character?
    Must be of good moral character
  • What professional license must the dean/head hold?
    Registered Medical Technologist license
  • What is one of the educational qualifications for the dean/head?
    Must have a graduate degree
  • What is one of the acceptable master's degrees for the dean/head?
    Master’s degree in Medical Technology
  • How many years of teaching experience is required for the dean/head?
    At least 5 years
  • What managerial experience is required for the dean/head?
    At least 2 years of managerial competence
  • What is a requirement regarding membership for the dean/head?
    Must be an active member in good standing
  • What is one of the general functions of the dean/head?
    Administers general policies of the college
  • What is required for faculty teaching non-licensure MT/MLS courses?
    Appropriate Masteral/Doctoral degree