
Cards (99)

  • What is the title of Republic Act no. 8981?
    PRC Modernization Act of 2000
  • What is the purpose of P.D. 223?
    Create a three-man Commission for regulation
  • Why was the Professional Regulation Commission created?
    To enforce laws regulating various professions
  • To which office is the Professional Regulation Commission attached?
    Office of the President
  • What change does the Commission make to the names of various Boards?
    Deletes the word "Examiners" from their names
  • When was the PRC Modernization Act signed?
    December 5, 2000
  • Who signed the PRC Modernization Act?
    President Joseph Ejercito Estrada
  • What are the two important functions of the PRC?
    Conduct licensure exams and regulate professions
  • What is the purpose of the PRC Modernization Act of 2000?
    • Modernizes the Professional Regulation Commission
    • Repeals Presidential Decree No. 223
    • Establishes new regulatory frameworks
  • What does Section 2 of the Act recognize?
    The role of professionals in nation-building
  • What does the Act promote regarding professionals?
    Sustained development of a reservoir of professionals
  • How are professional standards described in the Act?
    Internationally recognized and world-class
  • What is the composition of the Professional Regulation Commission?
    1 Chairperson and 2 Commissioners
  • Who appoints the members of the Commission?
    The President of the Philippines
  • What is the term length for the Chairperson and Commissioners?
    Seven years without reappointment
  • What happens when the Chairperson's term expires?
    The most senior Commissioner assumes duties
  • What is one qualification for the Chairperson?
    At least 40 years of age
  • What is required for a Commissioner regarding professional licensing?
    Must have a valid professional license
  • What experience is required for a Commissioner?
    At least five years of executive experience
  • What is one function of the Commission?
    Establish high standards for professional admission
  • What is the role of the Chairperson in the Commission?
    Presiding officer and chief executive officer
  • What compensation does the Chairperson receive?
    Equivalent to a Department Secretary
  • What benefits do Commissioners receive?
    Equivalent to an Undersecretary's compensation
  • What retirement benefits are Commissioners entitled to?
    Provided under RA 1568 as amended
  • What are the powers and functions of the Commission?
    • Administration and enforcement of regulatory policies
    • Conduct licensure examinations
    • Maintain professional standards and ethics
    • Issue certificates of registration
    • Supervise foreign professionals in the Philippines
  • What is one responsibility of the Commission regarding examinations?
    Determine places and dates of examinations
  • What happens if an examinee fails three times?
    Commission may require a refresher course
  • What must the Commission publish after examinations?
    List of successful examinees
  • What does the Commission provide to educational institutions?
    Copies of sample test questions and syllabi
  • What penalty can the Commission impose on examinees?
    Suspension from taking licensure examinations
  • What is required for successful examinees to practice their profession?
    Entry of names in registry and issuance of certificates
  • What does the Commission have custody of?
    Records of various Boards and examinations
  • What does the Commission determine regarding fees?
    Amounts charged for examinations and registrations
  • What is one function of the Commission regarding personnel?
    Appointment of officials and employees
  • What must the Commission submit to the President?
    Names of professionals for Board appointments
  • What can the Commission issue to foreigners?
    Certificates of registration and licenses
  • What is one power of the Commission regarding investigations?
    Investigate members for neglect or misconduct
  • What can the Commission issue to enforce compliance?
    Summons and subpoenas
  • What is required for the Commission to hold someone in contempt?
    Application with a court of competent jurisdiction
  • What is one responsibility of the Commission regarding annual reports?
    Preparation of accomplishments for Congress