Religion and life

Cards (25)

  • abortion
    the deliberate termination of a pregnancy
  • afterlife
    belief about an existence after death (self/soul)
  • animal rights
    the belief that animals should have rights due to respect for life
  • awe
    an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration (often linked to God)
  • big bang theory
    (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated 15 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion
  • conception/fertilization
    instant at which the sperm and egg unite (beginning of pregnancy)
  • conservation
    to repair and protect animals and areas of natural beauty
  • creation
    idea that God crated the world/universe from nothing ('ex nihilo')
  • dominion
    idea that humans have the right to control all of creation
  • environment
    the world around us
  • euthanasia
    mercy killing: ending life for someone who is terminally ill, or has degenerative disease, can be voluntary or involuntary
  • evolution
    change in inherited traits in a species
  • fossil fuels
    a natural fuel (the earths natural resources) such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
  • hospice
    a place that cares for the dying/terminally ill
  • hypothesis
    a proposed explanation of something
  • natural resources
    the resources the earth provides without the aid of mankind
  • pesticide
    chemicals used to kill pests, especially on crops
  • pro-choice
    against banning abortion; a woman should have the right/freedom to choose to abort or not abort her baby.
  • pro-life
    against allowing abortion/euthanasia, often linked to the idea of life being sacred
  • quality of life
    how good/comfortable life is
  • right to die
    the belief that a human being should be able to control their own death
  • sanctity of life
    life is special/sacred; life is created by God
  • science
    knowledge coming from observation in nature and experimentation
  • stewardship
    duty to look after the world and life
  • sustainable energy
    resources that are renewable e.g. solar, wind and nuclear power