
Cards (11)

  • How is female emancipation achievable?
    total abolition of the nuclear family, the church, society and the state
  • what is an essential part of class struggle?
    the fight against the patriarchy
  • How is anarchism inherently feminist according to L.Susan Brown?
    it is a fight against all coercive relationships - patriarchy reinforces a coercive and hierarchal relationship between men and women
  • What does Proudhon think of feminism?
    the family is the most basic unit of society and morality and so women have the responsibility of fulfilling a domestic role in society
  • What does Bakunin think about feminism?
    opposed the patriarchy and the way the law subjected women to the absolute domination of man
  • Who were the Mjures Libres
    Free women movement during the Spanish civil war to get women recognised within the CNT
  • Who is the key anarcha-feminist thinker
    Emma Goldman
  • Why was Emma Goldman imprisoned?
    She advocated for birth control, she told men to not comply with conscription and she said that the poor should steal from the wealthy
  • What book is Emma Goldman famous for writing?
    Anarchism and other essays
  • What did Goldman say about the use of violence?
    Violence was a justifiable act of defence by the revolution but its quite another thing to make a principle of terrorism, to institutionalise it, to assign it a vital place in the social struggle
  • Why did Goldman not agree with the Suffragettes?
    she said that women getting the vote wasn't enough - only an anarchist revolution would free women from the coercive relationship between men and women