Forces of Conservatism

Cards (6)

  • The new government faced hostility from conservative forces, such as:
    • the Catholic Church
    • the army
    • landowners
  • The Catholic Church:
    The Church had been a supporter of the Spanish monarchy as Pope Pius XI saw Alfonso as Spain's first genuinely Catholic ruler in centuries and argued that democracy would lead to the growth of socialism, atheism and communism. Therefore, he backed extreme right wing dictatorships as they would protect traditional morality and the rights of the Church.
  • The Catholic Church:
    However, the Catholic Church in Spain was in a weak position. This was because the population had lost faith in the church and had limited support among the industrial working classes and even in rural areas, there was a decline in church attendance. Furthermore, anti-clericalism had emerged, resulting in attacks on church property.
  • The Army:
    The leadership of the Army was dominated by conservatives and supporters of the monarchy and the dictatorship. But, the majority of Spanish people had little faith in the military as:
    • Leading members of the army had little understanding of the lives, needs or concerns of Spanish poor.
    • Military governments 1923-31 failed to improve lives of the poor.
    • Spaniards blamed the collapse of the Spanish Empire on the Army.
    • The military was seen as a drain on Spain's economic resources and a reason for poverty.
  • The Army:
    Many senior officers saw themselves as defenders of traditional Spanish culture and Catholic values. By 1931, many were arguing that the army had to defend Spain from internal enemies, such as anarchists and communists. However, Junior officers turned on the monarchy in the early 1930s due to policies that blocked promotions, meaning that they were more careerist than their superiors.
  • Landowners:
    In southern Spain, farming was dominated by large estates called latifundias. The owners of the estates were intent on maximising profits, often at the expense of local workers. The owners were scared of the growth of support for left wing groups, as they threatened their position.