causes of interfaith

Cards (3)

  • what are 2 events that lead to an increase in interfaith dialogue?
    1 the holocaust- the dabru emet document
    2 rise of islamic extremism- 'a common word between us and you'
  • what is the dabru emet contain?
    speak the truth
    • jews and christians worship the same God
    • seek authority from same back
    • respect the claim of Jewish people upon the land of Israel
    • accept moral principles of Torah
    • neither Jew nor Christian should be pressed into affirming the teaching of other community
    • new relationship will not weaken Jewish practise
    • must work together for justice and peace
  • what is 'a common word between us and you'?
    • muslims and christians make up half of the world population. without peace and justice, there can be no meaningful peace in the world
    • love of one God and love of the neighbour
    • both religions value their scripture