Roman Catholic Church- Redemptoris Missio

Cards (15)

  • What is the title of the encyclical discussed?
    Mission of the Redeemer
  • What is inter-religious dialogue considered in the Church's mission?
    It is part of the Church's evangelizing mission
  • How is dialogue understood in the context of the Church's mission?
    As a method for mutual knowledge and enrichment
  • Does inter-religious dialogue conflict with the mission ad gentes?
    No, it does not conflict with the mission ad gentes
  • How does God make Himself present according to the encyclical?
    In many ways to individuals and peoples
  • What are the spiritual riches of peoples expressed through?
    Through their religions
  • What does the Church see in the light of the economy of salvation?
    No conflict between proclaiming Christ and dialogue
  • How should the elements of proclaiming Christ and inter-religious dialogue be treated?
    They must maintain connection and distinctiveness
  • What is the Church's duty regarding the truth in other religions?
    To proclaim Jesus Christ without fail
  • What does the encyclical say about the truth in other religions?
    It reflects the truth that enlightens all people
  • What does dialogue lead to according to the encyclical?
    Inner purification and conversion
  • What should be pursued with docility to the Holy Spirit?
    Dialogue for spiritual fruitfulness
  • What must not be abandoned in inter-religious dialogue?
    Principles and clear distinctions
  • What is false Irenicism in the context of dialogue?
    Abandoning principles for mutual acceptance
  • What is necessary for mutual connection in dialogue?
    Clear distinctions must be maintained