Children/young people

Cards (4)

    • They are trapped in a cycle of poverty due to poor life chances and not having the resources to improve their standard of living - it is the norm for young children as that is what they have grown up with and what they are used to so they may not see or know any other way to live - can be difficult to get out of the cycle
    • If their family is poor they will be poor and also would be more likely to be poor later on as they don’t have a good enough education to get higher status work, they will get lower educational outcomes because of things like material deprivation meaning a lack of learning resources and it might be hard to revise at home because of a bad learning environment e.g: no heating. - it is the norm for young children as that is what they have grown up with and what they are used to so they may not see or know any other way to live - can be difficult to get out of the cycle
    • They are pretty much solely reliant on their parent/parents for everything - if their parents don’t have it or can’t afford it then they just won’t get it or have it 
    • Get paid less and also ageism - they could be discriminated against because of their age and limited qualifications which can make it more difficult for them to get employment especially well paid employment as it is more likely to go to someone who is more experienced and has better qualifications