It serves as the skin of the cell that controls the entrance or exit of substances in a cell - cell membrane
Cell membrane - keeps all parts of the cell intact and enables the nutrients, wastes, and secretions to go in and out of the cell
Nucleus - is considered as the control center of the cell because it unifies and integrates the processes in the cell
Nucleoplasm - is a type of protoplasm or a gelatinous matrix of a nucleus which is the base material
Chromosome - is a rod-shaped structure inside the nucleus which is composed of linear deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA and proteins (histone and non-histone)
Gene - is found along the DNA molecules which is described as the beads of a string.
Nuclear membrane - is the membrane that encloses the nucleus, it has nuclear pores that function as the passageway of large molecules in and out of the nucleus.
Nucleolus - is a dense area inside the nucleus where the ribosomal ribonucleic acid or rRNA
DNA - deoxyribonucleicacid
rRNA - a kind of ribonucleic acid molecule that will later on be a part of the ribosomes, is created
Cytoplasm - is the fluid portion of the cell outside the nucleus, contains organelles such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, etc.
This is where most of the cell's metabolic reactions take place - cytoplasm
Endoplasmic reticulum - also called ER, is an interconnected membrane system that works as a transport network of tubules and flattened sacs within the cytoplasm
The outer surface of the ER where ribosomes are attached is called -rough endoplasmic reticulum
The part where there is no attached ribosomes is called the - smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosome - is not an organelle because it has no membrane. However, it is important for the synthesis of essential proteins
When ribosomes are clustered together, they are called - polysomesor polyribosomes
It communicates with the ER to finalize the synthesis of proteins into functional proteins and packages them in an enclosed membrane vesicle for the storage and export of proteins in the cell - cell membrane
Mitochondrion - is a double-membranous organelle that functions as the powerhouse of the cell
It is called the powerhouse of the cell because it produces - Adenosine triphosphate
Adenosine triphosphate - which is the energy used in the cell.
Lysosome - is a membrane bound vesicle that comes from the Golgi body.
It is called the suicide bag of the cell - lysosome
it is called the suicide bag of the cell because it contains - hydrolytic enzyme
It also breaks down old organelles and the cell itself in a process - lysosome
Cytoskeleton - is a system of fibers that is made up of protein subunits called microtubules, intermediate filament, and microfilament, All three serve to strengthen, support, and maintain the structure and shape of a during cell division
It may also act as highways for organelles as they move across the cell - cytoskeleton
It also breaks down old organelles and the cell itself in a process called - apoptosis