9.2 Urban Forms

Cards (13)

  • Urban forms - physical characteristics of built up areas including the shape, size, density and configuration of settlements
  • There are three types of urban form:
    • radial e.g paris
    • grid e.g new york
    • irregular e.g london
  • Benefits of megacities and world cities:
    • offer opportunities to expand access to services, such as healthcare and education
    • less environmentally damaging to provide transport, water etc for a densely settled population
    • better levels of education and healthcare can improve the lives of people on low incomes
  • Fortress landscapes - landscapes designed around security, protection, surveillance and exclusion
  • world city - have a great influence on a global scale, because of their financial status and worldwide commercial power.
  • Central business district (CBD) - this central areas contains major shops, offices and entertainment facilities.
  • Town centre mixed development
    • a wider range of leisure facilities including cinemas, cafes, bars etc
    • the availability of spaces
    • promotion of street entertainment e.g convent garden
    • developing night life such as clubbing
    • constructing new offices, apartments, hotels to raise the status of the CMD
    • encouragement of residential areas to return to city centres by providing flats
  • Cultural and heritage quarters
    • focus more on history of the areas based around small-scale industries
    • focused on preserving and integrating the history of the city
  • Gentrified areas
    • gentrification is the process of upgrading a small areas as wealthier people move in
    • changes may include superficial changes to building roads etc
    • services developed that are aimed at the wealthier residents
  • Edge cities
    • self contained settlements which have emerged beyond the original city boundary
    • where land is cheaper but well connected
    • resulted due to greater car ownership
  • Post-modern Western Cities
    • multiple centres with different purposes
    • focus on tertiary and quaternary industry
    • less uniform architecture
    • planning prioritises the aesthetic of the city
    • high social and economic inequality
  • physical factors affecting urban form
    • topography
    • water
    • natural resources
    • land types
  • human factors affecting urban form
    • planning
    • infrastructure
    • land value