
Cards (6)

  • When the venue moved to seedy offices in nearby town
    65% → 47.5%
  • Teacher and learner in the same room
    65% → 40%
  • Teacher had to force learner's hand on to the plate
    65% → 10%
  • Experimenter left room and experiment taken over by an ordinary member of the public
    65% → 20%
  • People are less likely to obey when:
    • They feel the person giving the instructions has no legitimate authority
    • They can see the consequences of their actions
    • There are disobedient role models
    • The person giving the instructions is not around to see if the action is followed through
  • People are more likely to obey when:
    • Somebody is willing to take responsibility for obeying the order for them - an agent
    • There are no other disobedient role models
    • They can't see the consequences of their actions
    • The person giving the instructions is with them