The League of Nations was set up after World War I. Germany was not allowed to join until it showed that it was a peace-loving country
Germany had to pay £6600million to the Allies after World War I.
Germany agreed to take the blame for the war in the War Guilt Clause - Article 231 after World War I.
The German Army could have only 100000 soldiers, conscription was banned as were submarines, aeroplanes and armouredvehicles after World War I.
Germany was allowed to have 6 battleships after World War I.
The Rhineland had to be de-militarised after World War I.
Germany's overseas empire was taken away. Former German colonies, such as Cameroon, became mandates controlled by the League of Nations, which basically meant that France and Britain controlled them.
Germany had to give over all their non-European colonies
Germany had to give Alsace-Lorraine to France
Germany had to give the Saar Land to the League of Nations for 15 years which then would have a plebiscite
Germany had to give the Sudetenland to Czechoslovakia
Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria after World War I (Anschluss).
Germany lost 10% of its land in Europe
Germany lost 12.5% of its population
Germany lost 16% of its coalfields and almost half of its iron and steel industry
Danzig was a German city that was taken from them in the Treaty of Versailles and given to Poland so that they could have a sea port.