2.3 Encryption

Cards (17)

  • Malware - malicious software that is downloaded onto a victim's device unknowingly.
  • Viruses - malware that replicates itself and currupts your stored data and uses up all your memory until it crashes
  • Worm - a program that replicates itself, it looks for vulnerability holes in the network to use to replicate itself. it will clog up the bandwidth, slowing the network down.
  • Spyware - Malicious software that spies on activity and sends the data to the hacker
  • Trojan horse - a piece of malicious software disguised as a legitimate program that contains a virus.
  • Adware - software that displays unwanted ads to generate revenue for perpetrator
  • Ransomware - A type of malware that encrypts a user's files and demands a ransom to decrypt them
  • SQL injection - a technique used to gain access to a database by inserting malicious code into a SQL query.
  • DoS - A cyber attack that sends overwhelming numbers of packets to a server to slowing down the network or bring it to a stop
  • Social engineering - analysing a specific person to gain access to their or their associations data.
  • packet sniffing - capturing data sent over a network.
  • Encryption - processing cypher data through an algorithm to make it unusable.
  • Symmetric encryption - When there is a single key to encrypt and decrypt data.
  • Asymmetric encryption - There's a public key that is used to encrypt data, and a private key that is used to decrypt data.
  • Encryption key - A key used to encrypt or decrypt data.
  • Strong encryption keys are created using a hashing algorithm.
  • Hashing algorithm - a non-reversable mathematical algorithm. when the input is processed through the algorithm it's unable to be converted back