Internal body clocks that regulate our biological rhythms
Exogenous Zeitgebers
External cues that influence and reset our internal biological clocks
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
A tinybundle of nerve cells located in the hypothalamus in each hemisphere of the brain
What does the SCN do?
It is an example of a endogenous pacemaker that sets the timing of when we need to sleep
The SCN regulates the pineal gland that releases melatonin which helps us sleep
Animal Research and the SCN
In 30 chipmunks their SCN was destroyed and they were returned to their naturalhabitat for 80 days
At the end the chipmunks lost their sleep wake cycle and many were killed by predators
Give an example of an endogenous pacemaker
Give examples of exogenous zeitgebers
Light and Social cues
Helps reset the SCN
Light also has an indirect influence on hormone secretion and blood circulation
In a study light was detected by skin receptor sites even when not detected by the eyes
It can influence the sleep wake cycle
Social Cues
A 6 weeks of age circadian rhythms start and babies' rhythms have been entrained by the schedules imposed by parents
This is through mealtimes and bedtimes
Research on jet lag suggests adapting to local times for eating and sleeping is an effective way of entraining circadian rhythms and beating jet lag
AO3 Endogenous Pacemakers: Research support from Shiffre
Shiffre's cave study shows how we have internal body clocks that regulate our sleep wake cycle
This is due to how he managed to have a sleep wake cycle of around 25 hours despite having no natural light
AO3 Endogenous Pacemakers: Interactionist System
Endogenous Pacemakers cannot be studied in isolation
Shiffre's cave study was really rare and he also used artificial light which could have reset his biological clock
Pacemakers and zeitgebers interact
The more researchers attempt to isolate the influence of internal pacemakers the lower the validity of the research
AO3 EndogenousPacemakers: Ethics
Animal studies on the sleep wake cycle are justified because they have similar mechanisms
The existence of an SCN and pineal gland in the brains of animals means that generalisations can be made to humans
However the chipmunk study resulted in many of them dying which was extremely unethical
AO3 Exogenous Zeitgebers: Case study evidence
Evidence challenge the role of exogenous zeitgebers
A young blind man from birth had an abnormal circadian rhythm of 24.9 hours
Despite exposure to social cues such as regular mealtimes the sleep wake cycle could not be adjusted suggesting social cues are not effective in resetting biological rhythms
AO3 Exogenous Zeitgebers: Age related insomnia
Evidence suggests that people have poorer quality sleep as they get older due to natural changes in the circadian rhythm
Exogenous factors may be more responsible for the changes in sleep patterns amongst older people
Insomnia is improved if you were more active and exposed to light
AO3 Exogenous Zeitgebers: Research against
12 people were in a dark cave for 3 weeks going to bed at 11:45 and waking up at 7:45 and the researchers gradually sped up the clock
The 24 hours day only lasted 22 hours
Only one person could comfortably adjust to the new schedule
The existence of a strong circadian rhythm cannot easily be overridden by exogenous zeitgebers