Cards (7)

  • In November 1932 Stalin’s wife Nadezhda committed suicide and left a note criticising Stalin personally and politically. It unhinged Stalin and taught him to trust no one.
  • A famine in the countryside and a spate of workers’ strikes led to the increased criticism of Stalin's economic policy Five year plans and overall leadership.
  • Stalin's old opponent Bukharin was re-elected to the central committee in June 1930.
  • In 1932 two opposition groups emerged. The informal ‘old Bolsheviks’ led by Smirnov debated Stalin’s removal. They were arrested and Smirnov expelled.
  • The other opposition group was the 'Ryutin platform’ led by Ryutin which disapproved of Stalin’s politics and personality. Ryutin even sent an appeal from leading Communists to the Central Committee urging Stalin’s removal. Stalin was overruled by the Politburo and Kirov in particular when it came to executing the ‘Ryutin platform’
  • 24 were expelled from the party and exiled including Zinoviev and Kamenev for simply knowing about the group. Ryutin was sentenced to 10 years but was shot in 1937.
  • In April 1933 he announced a general purge and over the next two years. 18% of members were branded ‘Ryunites’ and purged. Most were new members who were seen as careerists.