After the 17th party Congress in 1934 Stalin announced anti-Leninist opposition was over. Bukharin Rykov Tomsky and Radek all admitted their 'errors' to give the perception that there was a sense of unity at the top.
However in the Central Committee Stalin received around 150 negative votes although only 3 were recorded. There was a split between those who wanted to maintain industrialisation and those who wanted to stop grain seizures.
Only Molotov and Kagnovich strongly supported Stalin whereas Kirov received a standing ovation for his speech advocating moderate policies although he was close friends with Stalin’s so was unlikely to challenge him.
A decree was published the next day after Kirov's murder giving Yagoda powers to arrest and execute anyone guilty of ‘terrorist plotting’. 6500 where arrested using this in December.
In January 1935 Zinoviev and Kamenev and 17 others are arrested and sentenced to between 5 and 10 years in prison. Associates of Zinoviev arrested in January and February.