Cards (7)

  • After the 17th party Congress in 1934 Stalin announced anti-Leninist opposition was over. Bukharin Rykov Tomsky and Radek all admitted their 'errors' to give the perception that there was a sense of unity at the top.
  • However in the Central Committee Stalin received around 150 negative votes although only 3 were recorded. There was a split between those who wanted to maintain industrialisation and those who wanted to stop grain seizures.
  • Only Molotov and Kagnovich strongly supported Stalin whereas Kirov received a standing ovation for his speech advocating moderate policies although he was close friends with Stalin’s so was unlikely to challenge him.
  • General Secretary title was abolished. Kirov Stalin Zhdanov and Kaganovich were declared ‘Secretary of Equal Rank’.
  • In December 1934 Kirov was killed. Circumstances were suspicious and Stalin claimed it was part of a Trotskyite conspiracy to overthrow the party.
  • A decree was published the next day after Kirov's murder giving Yagoda powers to arrest and execute anyone guilty of ‘terrorist plotting’. 6500 where arrested using this in December.
  • In January 1935 Zinoviev and Kamenev and 17 others are arrested and sentenced to between 5 and 10 years in prison. Associates of Zinoviev arrested in January and February.